Bianca is a highly trained and experienced Integrative Health Practitioner, member of The Royal Society of Medicine and Nutrition Expert for the Complementary Medical Association. She specialises in nutritional health coaching, stress management, advanced anti-ageing and lifestyle medicine. She will make a full diagnosis of your nutritional requirements, constitution, lifestyle and your environmental, mental and emotional status. By bringing all these areas into balance, vibrant health can be achieved and maintained. She uses a variety of therapies and techniques to bring your health to its peak. A wide range of world-class delicious, anti-ageing superfoods and supplements is also available to facilitate a speedy and enjoyable journey to perfect health, wellbeing and boundless energy!

"I promise to give you a fresh, holistic perspective on your health and wellbeing and offer enjoyable and meaningful ways to help you move on to optimal health".

copyright © joyoflife 2008